Innovative acoustic interference damper for traffic noise



Wavebreaker is a passive "sound-trap" built up in a modular design. It consists of an acoustic insert and an acoustic reflector box. Wavebreaker uses anti-noise technology (acoustic interference) to reduce diffraction. It is installed on top of noise screens and noise walls as a complementary product to increase the sound attenuation of the screen.

Read about the technology behind.


→7 dBA

lower noise,

minor height increase.

→50 years

of lifetime,

same noise reduction.


lower costs,

same noise reduction.


increased sustainability,

same noise reduction.


→2 m

lower screens,

same noise reduction.

3 & 11

supporting Global Goals for health & sustainable cities.

Pilotprojekt - Wavebreaker och Tvärbanan2_Neo
Pilotprojekt - Montering av Wavebreaker_Neo
Pilotprojekt - Wavebreaker monterad_Neo
Pilotprojekt - Wavebreaker från spårsida2_Neo
Pilotprojekt - Montering av Wavebreaker bakifrån_Neo
CZ-pilotproject_Wavebreaker Measurement setup
CZ-pilotproject_Wavebreaker mounted
CZ-pilotproject_Wavebreaker from track



Wavebreaker is delivered ready for immediate installation on site and comes in three basic types to adjust to ends and adapt to "toothing" of the noise screen. A detailed analysis of the conditions of the site, noise source and the planned or existing noise wall precedes every project offer to secure best possible performance and use. The Wavebreaker noise damper is installed on top of the noise screen and will thereby increase the screen height by only 20 cm. 


Wavebreaker is made of pure PP and HD-PE plastics. The benefits are low-weight, long lifetime and graffiti-resistance which give easy installation and maintanence as main advantages. The design of single material types in each module enhances material recycling. There are no metals inside meaning that ground cables are not necessary.

The design and material is adapted for minimum influence and weight impact on the foundation of existing and new noise screens. Heavy foundations of higher noise walls are a significant cost-driver in infrastructure projects.


During the whole product development our environment has been in focus. This has led to the choice of materials, modular design and local production. Our manufacturing partners in Sweden is using state-of-the-art environmental technologies as:

→  Factory waste is recycled to new products.

→  Recycled plastics is used up to 100% depending on quality and market access.

→  Wavebreaker is available in BIO-plastics.

Wavebreaker innovative interference sound damper traffic noise


Wavebreaker is designed for a safe, easy and quick installation. A modular, low-weight and turn-key delivery ensures a swift installation without interfering with the running traffic. Wavebreaker is especially designed for use along existing railway network lines, mounted on existing noise screens with the intention of boosting the noise shielding effect at noise "hot-spots". Investments in new infrastructure often means considerable costs for noise protection where Wavebreaker could bring huge cost benefits to projects where new noise screens are planned. Wavebreaker is designed to be installed on all types of noise screens and walls made of wood, concrete, plastic or metal.

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