Wavebreaker creates a better sound environment for people to a lower cost for the transport sector in comparison with equal measures. It is well-known that heavy foundations are needed for higher noise walls. This is a significant cost-driver in infrastructure projects.
Wavebreaker noise reduction through sound interference effect is equal to a virtual higher noise screen. By simulating the additonal extra height of the noise wall that is needed to be equal to using Wavebreaker, it is possible to compare costs for different alternatives.
Wavebreaker represents obvious customer value of both lower noise and lower costs.
lower costs,
same noise reduction.
Plan the new noise barrier with a lower height using Wavebreaker on top.
Contact us for guidance and tender information.
Prolong the lifetime of an acoustically non-performing noise barrier.
Push your investment 10 to 20 years ahead in time. Reuse Wavebreaker on another location.
The following table shows examples of cost savings using Wavebreaker compared to building higher noise screens. The calculations are approximate and are based on the cost calculation model of the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket).
The intended noise barrier is a wooden barrier built as a single wall without absorption (i.e. not a sandwich construction). The cost of a double-wall design with absorption is estimated in the model to cost about 2.5 more.
Additional screen barrier height | Cost savings with Wavebreaker, per 1000 m | Relative cost savings, per 1000 m |
From 2.0 m to 2.5 m | 90 000 € | 20% |
From 2.0 m to 3.0 m | 570 000 € | 60% |
From 2.0 m to 3.5 m | 1 100 000 € | 75% |
The examples of cost savings using Wavebreaker compared to building higher noise screens are based on the cost calculation model "Järnvägsbuse_2020 1.0" of the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket). The costs are divided between materials and contracting costs with the cost base from 2017. These costs have been adjusted according to the following general indices normally used in Sweden. SCB-Producer Price Index (PPI), august 2017-August 2022 = +1.56. Investment index for railway, August 2017-August 2022 = +1.30. Currency exchange rate of 1 € = 11 SEK has been used.
Wavebreaker AB disclaim all responsibility for the accuracy of the above numbers. The calculation examples are approximate and should be interpreted as guidance. Actual costs may vary depending on the circumstances of the actual location and in which country cost calculations are made.
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Wavebreaker is a registered trademark. Global patent pending.
Made in Sweden
The information provided is intended only as a summary and general overview on matters of interest. Wavebreaker AB has made every attempt to ensure accuracy and reliability of the information provided on this website. However, the information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. The mentioned values / results are dependent on various parameters such as train data, noise spectrum, noise screen design and quality, geometric data, etc and actual results achieved in specific projects may vary. The information is not intended to be comprehensive nor does it constitute expert advice. Wavebreaker AB shall not be liable for incidental and/or consequential damages directly or indirectly sustained, nor any loss caused by not complying with relevant industry/product standards and improper use of any Wavebreaker product. Due to varying construction methods, any other circumstances not stated above should be brought to the attention of Wavebreaker AB for review. For suitability to the prevailing site conditions, it is advised that certified testing should be conducted. It is recommended to seek further advice on your application with our technical staff prior to use.