Innovative acoustic interference damper for traffic noise



We have developed a new solution: Wavebreaker - an innovative interference noise damper for traffic noise. Our mission is to create better sound environments for people and enabling sustainable development of urban, living environments and transport sector.

The solution uses acoustic interference technology, based on the well-known Quincke-effect, and is used and mounted as an additional product on top of the noise screens. The sound damper reduces the noise propagating over and above the noise screens and acts as if the screens were about 1-2 m higher. This effect mean that noise screens could be built lower or performance could be enhanced without making the screen as obtrusive as a higher screen. Also, non-reachable demands could be reached, both acoustically and economically. A global patent is applied and pending.

Wavebreaker innovative interference noise damping illustration


Acoustic interference technology, the well-known Quincke-effect, explained:

Interference sound damping from Arbetarskyddsfonden 1977


There are very few or no examples of using interference sound damping for external noise. Wavebreaker is one of a kind and the only existing product globally with this technology, to our knowledge. The development of the innovation focused on how traffic noise looks like in the frequency domain. By optimizing the damper to reduce the highest peaks of noise between 400 and 4000 Hz, one acheives maximum noise reduction of the total sound level.

Railway noise spectrum

Train noise spectra examples presented in 1/3-octave bands normalised to 0 dBA

Road noise spectrum

Road traffic noise spectra examples presented in 1/3-octave bands normalised to 0 dBA


During 5 years the company has developed Wavebreaker from the drawing stage to an available product for the market. All data, market input and technical features have been scientifally validated and verified by leading partners in every field - Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), Trafikverket, Trafikförvaltningen Stockholm (SL), several acoustic and engineering consultancies, design, material and production experts. 

The development of Wavebreaker has been possible due to financing by ALMI, Vinnova, InfraSweden2030 and Västra Götalandsregionen.

Noisy side

Silent side


In 2018 the first design and optimization of the train noise damping effect was done, focusing on a general train spectrum between 400-4000 Hz. In summary the FE-simulations and analysis promised an insertion loss up to 5 dBA.

The outcome was the base for the application of a global patent.


In January 2020 we installed the first prototypes in the RISE semi-anechoic laboratory. The total sound level difference (frequency range 180-4500 Hz) = insertion loss of the screen with the interference sound damper, was measured (method acc to EN 16727-4:2016). 

The results proved to be better than previous simulation and expectations. Measured insertion loss was between 6-9 dBA for white noise and 5-7 dBA for rail and road noise spectra.


A pilot project with first production series was performed in August 2021. The objective was to investigate the interference sound damping effect outdoor on an existing noise screen in an urban environment. The screen was made as a single wall in wood without absorption. The results showed a noise reduction difference up to 5 dBA on an adjacent building facade, even up to a height of 10 m above ground.

Read about the product.

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