Wavebreaker is designed for a safe, easy and quick installation. A modular, low-weight and turn-key delivery ensures a swift installation without interfering with the running traffic as the product can be installed from "outside" the traffic line. Wavebreaker is mounted on the top edge of noise walls and noise screens as an additional noise mitigation solution to keep the height of the screen as low as possible. The noise damper increases the height of the noise screen by only 20 cm. Wavebreaker is designed to be installed on all types of noise screens and walls made of wood, concrete, plastic or metal using appropriate fasteners and handheld tools.
Investments in new infrastructure often means considerable costs for noise protection and noise control. The higher noise protection walls means exponentially higher costs, mainly due to the needed foundation. Wavebreaker could bring huge cost benefits to projects where new noise screens are planned.
Noise mitigation measures with Wavebreaker means both low investment costs as well as low installation costs.
Wavebreaker was developed with both environment and low life-cycle costs in mind where both parameters play big roles in a sustainable solution. The product is made in high-quality plastics using recycled material, however not jeapordizing customer's demand on long lifetime. Wavebreaker design in durable plastics means low ageing and high resistance to vandalism. If needed however, single parts can easily be replaced with new ones.
Wavebreaker is a passive anti-sound device meaning that there are no moving or electrical parts inside. Wavebreaker is purely driven by the sound energy from the sound source.
A maintenance program is delivered to each project.
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
Wavebreaker is a registered trademark. Global patent pending.
Made in Sweden
The information provided is intended only as a summary and general overview on matters of interest. Wavebreaker AB has made every attempt to ensure accuracy and reliability of the information provided on this website. However, the information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. The mentioned values / results are dependent on various parameters such as train data, noise spectrum, noise screen design and quality, geometric data, etc and actual results achieved in specific projects may vary. The information is not intended to be comprehensive nor does it constitute expert advice. Wavebreaker AB shall not be liable for incidental and/or consequential damages directly or indirectly sustained, nor any loss caused by not complying with relevant industry/product standards and improper use of any Wavebreaker product. Due to varying construction methods, any other circumstances not stated above should be brought to the attention of Wavebreaker AB for review. For suitability to the prevailing site conditions, it is advised that certified testing should be conducted. It is recommended to seek further advice on your application with our technical staff prior to use.